



The FITS done yesterday. I'll be staying in Sibiu for another two days because of the closing ceremony and the ferewell party. But I wanna write the last Sibiu diary today.



During the festival,the morning is early the night is lately everyday. It was a super fun time and my hope have been almost achieved.-To learn the relationship between the local people and the international festival, to help with stage lighting, to watch the show as much as possible, and to make friends.


I talked to various people, saw 4 show a day, and found out favorite arts company. Eat well, wark well and sunburned well. On the way, I felt that I was running out of energy. Because I felt myself like I don’t have anything. But even so, I was getting up every morning and keeping to interact with people. This experience was made me a little adult. I don't forget the power of human beings, sunlight, nice performance and emotions. Let's go to the next place again.



By the way,I knew about the FITS from the japanese playwright's SNS who participated in 2019. "It’s nice!" I got in touch with her. She was kind and told me about it. So that I'm here now. Thank you.
That’s why I would be very happy if this diary caught your eyes and became an opportunity for you to be interested. If you have any questions, please let me know. Take it easy.


まゆみさん、インターナショナルボランティアのみんな、Gong theaterチームのみなさん特にJony、ホストファミリーのDaria,Dan,Danna,and Lili、日本人ボランティアのSora,Nana、カンパニーのみなさん、クラブで踊った女の子、ティッシュくれた照明家さん、舞台作品そのもの、そしてそれを見せてくれたアーティストたち、器の広いシビウって場所、ありがとうございました!きっとまたどこかで。

Ms Mayumi, all international volunteers, Gong theater team, especially Jony, host family Daria, Dan, Danna, and Lili, Japanese volunteers Sora, Nana, all company members, girls dancing with me in the club, one lighting designer and tissue. Thank you so much.
The stage performance itself, the all artists, and Sibiu!  I hope to meet you somewhere again. I like you.





p.s.It's interesting record about the show. writing by Nana. Please watch it if you can.
